Hi! I'm a spanish digital artist. I love do character desing, and draw cute characters!

You can contact with me by:

Status: Open
Click the picture to see them better

Full render style

Icon: $15 USD
Half body: $25 USD
Under knees: $30 USD
Full body: $40 USD

· Extra character: +50% original price
· Complex background: +50% original price
· Complex weapons / object: +10% original price
· Comercial use: +100% original price

Chibi style

Icon: $5 USD
Half body: $15 USD
Full body: $20 USD

· Extra character: +50% original price
· Complex background: +50% original price
· Complex weapons / object: +10% original price
· Comercial use: +100% original price

Reference sheet

$30 USD
(A reference sheet includes 1 fullbody, 1 half body, 1 item)

· Extra full body: +10% original price
· Extra item +5% original price
· Complex weapons / object /desing: +10% original price
· Have to desing the character: +50% original price
· Comercial use: +100% original price
(The item could be a weapon, the desing of tattoos, an object, a part of the body...
Just ask me!)

1. Commitments:

  • I guarantee that the delivered result will be 100% original.

  • I may use royalty-free materials such as brushes, textures, patterns, prints, etc.

  • The artist will not copy or take reference from unauthorized materials.

  • The client will provide me with clear references and expectations in order to get the job done.

  • You will give me the right to copy the design of the character I am drawing.

  • The client assures me that all references and images provided are legal and authorized by the artists to be used.

  • It is assured that the client has the authority of the project, be in contact with the artist and be solely responsible for the approval of the decisions made during the process.

  • All details of the work will be agreed upon in advance prior to the start of the project.

2. Delivery time and work process:

  • The time of each artwork may vary, due to the complexity or personal situations of the artist, but an approximation of the time will always be given to the client before payment.

  • I am committed to deliver updates of the artwork during the whole process.

  • The client has the responsibility to make the necessary corrections after each update, if the final result is unsatisfactory the artist is not responsible.

  • I am obliged to send the first two updates unless otherwise instructed.

  • If modifications during the process are excessive, the price of the artwork may change.

  • Some changes may cause the delivery date to be changed.

  • The reasons for the delay of the final result may be caused by physical or mental illness, studies, family problems, or force majeure that prevent me from delivering the artwork on the stipulated date. In the case of any of these, the client will be notified.

  • The client has the right to demand a full refund if the artwork is not delivered on the stipulated date.

  • The artwork will be sent via Google Drive.

3. Communication:

  • The main communication channels will be Discord, Instagram, Twitter and Gmail.

  • Both parties agree to be in continuous communication until the final delivery.

  • The maximum time that both parties can be without a response is around two weeks.

  • If it is the client who interrupts the communication, the artist has the right to stop the progression of the artwork.

  • If it is the artist who interrupts the communication, the client is entitled to a full refund.

  • If the communication is interrupted due to force majeure, the affected part will have to contact as soon as possible in order to reach an agreement.

4. My restrictions:

  • I will not draw any content that is inappropriate, explicit or offensive.

  • Specific restrictions are: Mechas, NSFW, any type of romantic interaction involving adults with minors or characters that look like minors, rape or non-consensual acts, imitation of styles, realism, any type of content that is harmful or damaging to minorities or third parts, illegal activities, full nudity (hips down) and/or any type of sexual act.

  • I will not always accept these artwork, but you can ask for: Different types of complexions, furries, old people, babies, animals, armor, explicit wounds, etc.

  • The customer has the right to ask if any of the above restrictions apply to his order.

  • I have the right to refuse any artwork that make me feel uncomfortable.

5. Copyright

  • The Artist retains all copyright, ownership, redistribution and intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, exhibition, publicity and publication on social networks.

  • The client receives personal use rights that are exclusive and non-transferable.

  • Personal use is understood as displaying the final work on social networks, promotional uses without direct monetization, printing and framing for personal spaces and showing it to other artists as a reference.

  • The client can not claim the final work as his own, he must credit the artist using his name/label in networks/link at the moment of using it in any public place such as social networks, promotional uses without direct monetization, etc.

  • The client cannot edit the image in any way if not authorized by the artist.

  • The final work cannot be used for any commercial purpose.

6. Payment

  • The client will pay 100% of the payment before starting the service. In excepcional case I can agree do the payment in two parts, 50% in advance and the remaining and the other 50% after the final result.

  • All the payment will be through Paypal platform and must be paid in USD if i don't indicate other currency.

  • The payment will have to be made after all the commission specifications have been agreed upon. In case of doing it before, the artist is exempted from any kind of responsibility.

  • I will not start any artwork until I have the payment.

  • The price may vary from what is stipulated due to complexity, need of the artwork on a specific date or additional requests.

  • There will only be digital results, so the client accepts that he/she/them will not receive anything physical from the artist.

  • All types of objects that are related to any type of disability such as: wheelchairs, canes for people with visual impairments, guide or emotional support pets, prostheses, etc. will be made for free.

  • Once payment has been made, no refunds will be accepted.

  • Payment automatically means that you accept all the terms stipulated herein.

7. Confidentiality

  • We are obliged to keep confidential any type of information that both, the client and the artist, have shared. This includes information such as: personal information, technical information, marketing plans, payment information or confidential business information, sketches, ideas or discarded versions of the final version.

You immediately accept these 7 points with the first communication from you to get a commission.
Not having read this don't exempt you from not respecting what is stipulated here.